For this project I had to choose a serious topic, so I chose 'Go Green'. The video is supposed to be of one color and one tint or tone of the color and no other colors. I chose green color because my topic was go green, and i used a tint of green color. My actor did deliver lines about the topic in an original and clear way.
For this I had to interview a person from the environmental field. So I interviewed my aunt who is an environmental engineer in the US and she is has been working also in this field for quite sometime.And she knows everything related to go green.
For this project I had shoot a single short narrative based on my topic go green. So I showed all the ways how the earth's resurces are wasted like electricity, water, garbage (pollution). Then I showed the solutions to it to go green and to help save the planet earth.
For this project I had to create my own blog representing all my in a professional way. And that's what I have done here, made a blog and posted all my projects on it.